Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Douche Bags

I mistakenly used this word in a reference to reference a female on The Real Dookies blog. I decided I need to define a Douche bag. This term is thrown around much, and most people come close to the correct meaning. But lest investigate further.

1. A Douche bag is a male. No females (not even dykes) can be a Douche bag, this is a mistake I made once and will not repeat.

2. A Douche bag thinks it is a compliment if you tell him he looks like Eminem. His goal every morning is to actual look like the King of Douche Bags, Eminem.

3. Most importantly is this, a Douche bag wants to nail your girl. That is the unifying factor of all Douche bags.

Let me expand on point 3. For some reason, females may have a Douche bag friend. They have never dated, but they are friends, some how or another they remain friends, and the girl does not realize is that the DB does not care about her, but only wants to "tag it." If you are dating a girl who has a LDDBF (long distance douche bag friend) and she chats with him online, fully expect the following scenario.

GF=girl friend

DB: "send me a pic of you"
GF: "ok" (sends picture of her and you)
DB: "I don't want one with that FAG in it"
DB: "but you're looking hot!"

At this point, she should disconnect, be she may not want to lose a friend (stupid girls).

DB: (sends 12+ pictures of himself) {note: did not ask if she wanted any}

These pictures are various "rapper" posses of himself, usually with shirt off, but a hat on sideways. What GF does not realize is that he slipped in a full frontal picture. (very typical DB behavior)

DB: "did you get the pictures?"
GF: "yeah"DB: "what do you think?"
GF: "about?"DB: "the one of my unit."
GF: "your what?"
DB: "my penis"
GF: "oh, is that what that was."

Right here the GF gets huge points for that awesome burn of DB.

Many of our girl's have gone through this, and most of the time they handle it in stride. Why do I tell you, there is no greater satisfaction then that of turning a Douche Bag into a Punching Bag

I am really luck in that my wife does not have and DB friends, and the fact that I am 6'2" and 230lbs (the average DB is 5'7" 165lbs) and that she rarely uses any online messaging.

I composed this blog as a warning to al the decent guys out there. Kind of a PSA about Douche Bags.

Here are the signs.

1. He is a guy who claims to be your girl's "friend." (we all know that a guy is only a friend until the chance for sex arises.)

2. He dresses/talks/acts/looks like Eminem. This sign is not totally reliable, as I am sure there are redneck DBs, rocker DBs (loud-guy) preppie DBs.

3. When you look at him you can not help but think, what a DB!!

Spread the word.


At 5:01 PM, Blogger TheRealDookie said...

This post cracks me up. I especially like where the "GF" gets huge points for working the "DB."


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