Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Brain Cells and Trivial Data

I belive I have a unique memory. I can remeber details about objects very well. Once I learn how something works or what a part of something is called I never forget. Any procedure, no matter how many steps, can easily be recalled and repeated. I guess you can say I have a "Technical" memory.

When it comes to what some may call "Interpersonal" memory, I am pretty unequiped. I miss tell stories, I often forget details and parts, I have even been known to switch charicters around. Sometimes what I did, I remember as someone else doing it or vise-versa. Its a strange feeling. It is not purposefull and I have had the problem for some time. Luckily I have great friends who realise I am not a liar, just forgetfull and (not always tactfully) set me strait.

This friday will be the 14 day aniversary of my "broken" hand. I have regaind most practical use and find the stifness more a pain then the actual pain. I will probaly try some basketabll friday. I went out Monday with my fiance and shot some hoops. She beat me 2 out of three games, but she is pretty good for a hot girl.

I caught myself downloading games from three differnt sources tonight and realised that a broken body part is no excuse for lasiness and I should just go for a run. It is hard to explain, other then maby compairing it to a drug. A heroine adict will not smoke pot because it "just does not work." While running is probaly better for me, it is just not heroine.

Lastly I apologise for teh freeflowing format of this post with a few small stories, my dayquil is wearing off and my cold is starting to win.

"Where's my cat?"
"I killed your cat."
"I thought it would bring closure to our relationship."
-Boone Dock Saints


At 11:52 PM, Blogger TheRealDookie said...

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At 6:54 AM, Blogger TheRealDookie said...



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