Thursday, September 29, 2005

The good, the bad, and the distressing.

I had a stange serious of events happen these last 12 hours. Some good, and some distressing, some bad.

For starters my Fiance' has just begun her carrer in real-estate. Last night we were invited to a realater dinner. The dinner was pretty smooth. The first hour was open bar, so my dad, my mom, my fiance', and myself enjoyed the free drinks and the so bad it was funny entertainment. Later followed by a typical banquet style dinner, I had the chicken and a whole half of chicken showed up with beans, potatoe, salad, and bread, not bad. My fiance' had roast beef and the same sides. Well we left around nine and went back to my parents house. from there my fiance' and I drove back to out our place. That was the good.

The bad was that on the way home a cop decided to follow us and keep beaming his search light in my truck. This made it very hard to see. I think the cop was purposely tryng to freak us out, and make it hard to see. Why would an officer do this? Why would a person who is supposed to "protect and serve" be such a jerk. How about lead by ecsample, how about find someone breaking the law, how about going away. Well after a few miles he left, wich put a damper on our evening, but we made it home and finaly got to bed.

With my new teaching assignmnet I have to wake up by 6am. Wich I am begining to love because I am done by 2pm every day. I can come home, sleep for an hour and still be ready for the evening before anyone gets home. Well this morning I am walking around the dark house and I see a truck parked in the front lawn of the house under construction across the street. Some guy was robbing the house. There were a pile of doors waiting instalation in the garage and he was picking through them, and finaly grabbed one. I am looking for my camera when I realise he needs to be stopped. I turned on the porch light, lighting up both house, lean out and yell "Hey!" He drops the door in the bed of his truck, hops in, and drives away. I would have called the cops, but I realise it would have done no good, since they would not come for an hour. Well this is distressing for these reasons. This is only one house in all of Palm Coast that I have watched ebing built, and it was robbed three times that I know of. Probaly more. I saw some mexians steal lumber, a young couple pilfered some ac ducts and parts, and this balding man in a 70's blue ford whose license begins in "I9J" stole a door. I have watched only one house get robbed three times. Following statistics, this mean 100% of construction sites get robbed. And who gets hurt, the law abiders who want to build a new house, or purchase one. These houses will go up in cost to make up for the missing supplies.

Well I have set the digital camera next to the window, and if I see this agin, BAM, americas most wanted baby. And besides all I stole were peices of wood out of the dumpster.


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