Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Maby a fat guy farted?


I love this article. I am currently in the environmental research and design industry and I have becom familiar with seismic testing.

The three reporting governments (France, Russia, South Korea) all have differnt views on the size of the explosion. From .5 Kilatons to 15 Kilatons.

A kilaton is equivilant to 1000 lbs of TNT. Trinitrotoluene is faritly easy and cheap to make. Some think the Kim Jung-Il (North Korea'd dictator) simply blasted convential explosives in a tunnel.

Well lets look at the blast. I will take the median of the readings and say they had a 7 Kilaton blast. Well the first test ever, at the Trinity site in US was 20 Kilatons. The smallest US bomb ever used was "Little Boy," dropped on Hiroshima with a 15 Kilaton Yeild. "Fat Man," Dropped on Nagasaki was 20 kilatons.

So 60 years ago we had a 20 Kilaton bomb. The largest detonation ever was a 50 MEGAton bomb at Novaya Zemlya in USSR. If it is true that Noth Korea blasted a near 10 Kilaton blast, it is the weakest nucleor weapon ever.

Go Here: http://meyerweb.com/eric/tools/gmap/hydesim.html it shows the effect of diffent yeilds on differnt city, cool site. Try entering 5000 KT (5MT) and you will see that if we launced our version of this, it would onlt take like 5 ro obliterate all of North Korea.

Try the 10KT blast, only a few miles gone, and NK (north korea) will be lucky to have 5 that work.

I am not scared, i live no where. If they aim for Bunnell, FL (17 miles from my house) I would still be safe from Kim Jong-Il.


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