1/4 of Americans are Re-Tarded (Re: 9/11)
"All things being equal, the simplest answer is usually the correct one" - Occam's Razor
We have just passed the 5 year anniversary of the attacks on America on September 11th 2001. 2 buildings where destroyed, 1 was damaged, 4 airplanes destroyed, and thousands died.
Why did this happen? Who did this? The answer is simple.. A group of pissed off Muslims. The hijacked the four planes and crashed them into buildings. That's it. There was no government conspiracy to send us to war. Our government never needs a reason to go to war, they go all the time.
However, our public education system has failed to teach common sense and patriotism. And thanks to the Internet (i realise the irony in this statement) every fool with Photoshop can create any picture he likes, and present it as "Hard Evidence."
They usually have a quote from a "professor," (read: college lit instructor), a "Senior Military Personell" (read: Their ROTC buddy), and a picture which supports their theory and people will buy anything.
Since there are plenty of web-sites the debunk the debunked. I used credible news sources.. The best is the one done by popular mechanics.
You would think the article by Popular Mechanics would be enough. They a reputable, scientific, research magazine. But like most retards (Americans) FACT is never enough.
So the purpose of this blog is simple. I will pretend that Pearl Harbour Happened this year. I will play Devil's Advocate and be a conspiracy nut via 1942.
Pearl Harbour was a Government Cover up
The 7 December 1941 Japanese raid on Pearl Harbor WILL BE one of the great defining moments in history, but was it really the Japanese who attack the remote island of Hawaii?
Our (Internet) research has proven differently.
Uncle Sam will have you believe that the 1st Air Fleet of the Imperial Japanese Navy attack Pearl Harbour. We have an eye witness that puts them over 1000 miles away that morning.
"We were on routine training over the Sea of Japan on Dec 7Th." Lt. Col Renai Tanaka of the 1st Air Fleet.
We also have photo evidence that it was not Japanese Zeros bombing our ships, but the US built P-51 Mustang.
(See Image #4)
We circled the shape of an Airplane that according to Professor Indigam, a leading airplane historian, states "This is obviously a p-51, the clarity of the picture is uncanny." Our expert also stated that the torpedoes used in the bombing, can not be carried by Zeros.
(See Image #3)
We also found this picture taken during the attack, you will see a complete lack of planes in the air. How can an aerial battle have no planes. THIS IS IRREFUTABLE EVIDENCE THAT THE GOVERNMENT BLEW UP THEIR OWN SHIPS TO ENTER AN OIL-WAR WITH JAPAN.
(See Image #2)
We also have a close up image of the hole from the USS Tennessee. This whole measures 16 in in diameter and has no burn marks. A torpedo blows up on impact and creates massive burn from the explosion, This was obviously punched out when the government sank (which and expert would called scuttled) their own ship.
Now I could go on.. but you see how complex and ridiculous this all sounds. I made all of this up in about an hour during work, including the pictures. You can see how any Re-Tard can make any claim he wants. So please America, lets us common sense. There is no way that our government, which cant even do its day to day activities correctly, coordinated the greatest crime in history. It was simply a bunch of pissed of Muslims.
Labels: 911, americans, Bush, Conspiracy
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