Tuesday, October 24, 2006



This is another random study done (probaly off a federal grant). This one is showing a connection between cell phone use and a decline in sperm count in males.

The article states there is nothing conlcusive about the the connection, just that the trend is that males who use cells more have a lower sperm count.

Here is the idea that they missed.

Maby this high use cell phone users are more out going. Since they are more out going, they get more dates. Since they get more dates, they have more sex.

Some of you see where I am going.

Their sperm count is low, because their boys were left on some ladies bed.

Science needs to address this.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Further Pussification of America


This is a short article about a school banning "Tag," and other like games for fear of injury. Now when you read this, try to raed between the lines. This is not a safety issue, it is a money issue. Schools are used daily, every school every where. To reduce cost, schools must limit chances of injury. So the thousand-plus-year-old game of TAG is gone from this school system. Other school systems will follow suit.

What this does is limit the competive nature (read: pussification) of our children. Games teach us to be competitive, and to think strageticly. Some of you may say, "How is Tag a strategic game?" The answer is simple, "Where do I run?" The child must choose a direction, path, and means of escape/chase in this game. That is strategic thinking.

As far as being competitive, you need this to advance in life. With out that competitive spirit, nothing will advance you above the other person applying for the job.

Also as you have read in a previous blog of mine, our kids are fat. Playing TAG is a great exersice.

Monday, October 16, 2006

May I change groups please?


This article is about a young lady who was assigned to a science group where aparntly only one person in the group spoke English. The girl asked to be put in an English speaking group and was arrested.


Even if the girl walked up to the teacher and said "I ain't working with no damn chinks!" The punishment should have just been being sent to the dean, not calling the cops.

Well this a FYI. Leave a comment.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Lets look deeper


This is an interesting article. A coach is jailed for 1-3 years for paying one of his players to "bean" (the act of throwing a baseball with intent of harm) one of his own players.

The young player stated that the coach offerd his $25 to hurt the 9 year old autisic child during warm-ups so he would sit out.

The coach claims no such interaction occured,

The article is very one-sided. Only one quote came from the coach, and it illustraded poor voccabulary, maby on puprpose.

Here is acrasy idea, mabey the kid thew the balls teasing the autistic child and hurt him. To keep out of trouble he lied and said the coach paid him to do it. The reason given is that the coach did not want the autistic child to play.

A child lied... no way! The article did not even venture into this idea.

I do not know what really happened. I do know this, if the coach did not want Autisim boy to play, he could have benched him. It happens to millions of kids every year, in every sport, in every country. Why waste $25 and possible jail time, if he could just have sat the kid.

I am familiar with children/parents lieing to reach and ends, happens every hour. Why would this be any different?

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Maby a fat guy farted?


I love this article. I am currently in the environmental research and design industry and I have becom familiar with seismic testing.

The three reporting governments (France, Russia, South Korea) all have differnt views on the size of the explosion. From .5 Kilatons to 15 Kilatons.

A kilaton is equivilant to 1000 lbs of TNT. Trinitrotoluene is faritly easy and cheap to make. Some think the Kim Jung-Il (North Korea'd dictator) simply blasted convential explosives in a tunnel.

Well lets look at the blast. I will take the median of the readings and say they had a 7 Kilaton blast. Well the first test ever, at the Trinity site in US was 20 Kilatons. The smallest US bomb ever used was "Little Boy," dropped on Hiroshima with a 15 Kilaton Yeild. "Fat Man," Dropped on Nagasaki was 20 kilatons.

So 60 years ago we had a 20 Kilaton bomb. The largest detonation ever was a 50 MEGAton bomb at Novaya Zemlya in USSR. If it is true that Noth Korea blasted a near 10 Kilaton blast, it is the weakest nucleor weapon ever.

Go Here: http://meyerweb.com/eric/tools/gmap/hydesim.html it shows the effect of diffent yeilds on differnt city, cool site. Try entering 5000 KT (5MT) and you will see that if we launced our version of this, it would onlt take like 5 ro obliterate all of North Korea.

Try the 10KT blast, only a few miles gone, and NK (north korea) will be lucky to have 5 that work.

I am not scared, i live no where. If they aim for Bunnell, FL (17 miles from my house) I would still be safe from Kim Jong-Il.