Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Maby he misses his old galsses.

Lately I have had some difficulty seeing things a long distances. It has really bothered me for up untill this pint I have had far superior sight. In my aplications for ilitary scholarships, and in my trainig after I always had 20/14, which is better then perfect.

At the eye doctor today I underwent a series of test to see what was troubling me. With my naked eye I could just barley make out 20/20. With the smallest correction avaible I could see 20/14 again.

The doctor explained that I do not need glasses, but recomended I get some for driving. My insurance provides them for free (as long as they cost less then $120) So i ordered a pair. The reson is that even though my vision is reduced to near perfect, I am adjusted to above perfict and the differnce is stifiling.

Well the reason my vision is blury is probaly high colesteral. The optomologist says there is a minute ring around my cornia that is affectiong my focused, and this ring is caused by high cholesteral. So i now need to change my diet to have better vision.

Just a little bumbed about groung old, drop a line if you want.

Why American's stink

I love America, i really do, where else could i play fantasy football on company time.

But after last nights game I am sick of Americans. 99% of the world knew Atlanta would win, they are a superior team. Butu as footbll goes, Vick had a terrible night (more prof that he is not a good QB) and oh yeah, FLAG CITY.

Every other play was a flag, there were sometimes where there were three flags in a row, and the ball had not been hiked yet.

Alot of times the ref would pick it up, not say anything and continue the game. Why would the commisinor treat this game like a WWF match and script a NO win.

Before Katrina the Saints were ready to leave NO. Lack of fan support for a team that has never won a title of any sort.

I dont beklive it was love of the players, 13 of the starters were on other teams last year, where is the player loyalty?

I can understand that NO neaded a boost 18 months after Katrina. But I have no empathy for anyone who loses anything during a hurricane.
You have weeks of warning, and you should have proper insurance. If you dont have insuernace, beacue you are an idiot, when they say a Hurricane is comming, you RUN! You get your shit and you get out the door, and if the kids do not move fast enough, fuck-em!

But people stayed, and then they blamed the government for their lack of insurance. Listen dip-shits, the government builds roads, provides public service agents, and keeps people who want to kill you out of the country. The rest is up to you.

These same people who where stealing DVD players, when there was no power. These people are the scum of the earth and Katrina was God's way of weeding out the weak.

So FEMA gives a quarter billion to help re-build the super dome, that was trashed by the same idiots who could not leave when a hurricane came. Wow, a quarter billion, thats 5000, $50,000 homes. One out of every 20 people in the super dome last night could have had a home. Or it could be 25,000 sex change operations.

During the game the anouncers did not talk about the game they talked about Katrina. They even intervied Spike Lee, God I hate Spike Lee, who knows nothing about football, but he was doing a documentary on Katrina. Is it the shoes Spike?

Well Atlanta lost, and the week after next NO plays the Bucs, and you know my opion on that subject.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Why I quite teaching part II


The above article was forward to me by "The Real Dookie" (see link in side bar).

I am not sure who Emily Benson (the author) is but she seems to be a parent and not a traind or qualified educator.

The purpose of the article was for an argument against assigning homework to elementary school students. It was hard to decipher this as it seemd against all grade levels doing homework, but she later clarifies, and states how homework in the upper grades does help.

So is she not rebunking herself. Lets be a little realistic here. If someone (anyone) spends three or four years not doing something, how can we expect them to suddenly start doing it. Her argument seems very short sighted.

What I gather from her article is the reason she does not want her child doing homework, is that his time is better spent playing out side, playing with blocksm or spending time with his brother. Now I wish all children did this, but lets face reality for a minutes. While a few children may use the extra time to do these things, the overwhelming majority will play video games or watch TV. When the average child spends six (6) hours a day watching TV and/or playing video games. (http://www.mcps.k12.md.us/schools/viersmilles/greenl/stats.html)
Studies show that a child should spend less then an hour a day, only if they are over 2 years old, where the number is zero.
Children who watch 4 or more hours on average ARE overweight, no exceptions.

Lets break down a childs day. School usualy last 7 hours. So lets say they wake up onw hour before school, (wich is a HIGH estimate.) ad one hour for round trip travel, seven hours of school. So 10 hours after they wake up, they are done for the day. There are still 14 hours untill the next time they have to wake up.

School age children need on average 9 hours of sleep. (http://www.kidshealth.org/parent/general/sleep/sleep.html) So there are 5 hours left for their time. If the average child watches 6 hours a day it does not add up.

A senior in High School should expect at most 2 hours of homework. But were not talking high school, most school follow the "ten minutes rule," (which she mentions in the article) and it states that for every grade level add ten more minutes a day. So a third grader would do about 30 minutes of homework.

Still 4.5 hours left untill bed time. They have 3 hours of daylight to still play outside (a guy can dream can't he) and 1.5 hours for dinner and quality time.

So how is there to much homework? Homework for sure has NO negative effects. Even if th chil learns nothing, they are begining a life long practice of studying, which they WILL need in college (if they pass high school). Mommy can't complain to the dean of students, they will simply not accpet your child into their school. (besides if your 18+ and your mom fights your battles, kill yourself.)

I am a fan of limiting homework, I love the "ten minute" rule. If your third grade has only 30 minutes of homework, what is 30 minutes? An episode of any cartoon. Find a cartoon they don't like, and do it during that period.

Most of this article focused on the childs feelings. I am a strong supporter of having children feel hardship. Im not being pragmatic, the children need practice. When they have a full time position somewhere or another, is their boss going to care about their feelings.

Worker: "Uh sir, I don't feel like staying late tonight and finishing this."
Boss: "Well, I dont feel like paying you anymore!"

Here is the truth, school is to prepaire our children to be adults, and you play the way your practice. If children are only asked to do what the feel like doing, they will be adults who act the same way. I am looking forward to haveing children, whom even if they don't have homework, I will give them some.

My child will be the CEO, and this feeling oriented people will be cleaning his pool, washing his car, and mowing his lawn.

Remeber, the mother may have married into upper class, but any idiot will lose a million dollars. I guess she does not mind having her children work a Taco Bell and living at home.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

How Star Wars missed it.

Before I begin I must clarify that this post will not be a rant on how the 3 prequels to Star Wars.. uh.. Blew goats. It has been said time and again how "Episodes I-III" did not live up to their predecessors.

This post is simply how in Episode VI, "Return of the Jedi," George Lucas missed the opportunity for the greatest movie moment ever.

First a little background:

The scene I am referencing to is the final confrontation between the Sith and Jedi. It is Luke Skywalker vs Darth Vader (Anakin Skywalker) & Emperor Palpatine. The scene goes something like this:

Luke and Darth are fighting and Luke gets the upper hand (by cutting off Vader's hand), and is assured a victory when he stops.

The Emperor says something like "Destroy him, and your journey to the Dark Side will be complete. And take your place at my side."

Luke responds, "No, I am a Jedi like my father before me."

Emperor: "Then you die!" and nukes Luke with hand lightning (I guess that I what it is called.)

Vader steps in, and in his dyeing act tosses the emperor down a shaft.

That's it, that's the big battle between the most powerful fighter in Lucas' universe... Kind of lame.

Not to mention that the Emperor can fly in Episode III, which defuncts the whole falling down a shaft way of Dying.

Here is how it should have gone.

Luke and Darth are fighting and Luke gets the upper hand (by cutting off Vader's hand), and is assured a victory when he stops.

The Emperor says something like "Destroy him, and your journey to the Dark Side will be complete. And take your place at my side."

Luke responds, "No, I am a Jedi like my father before me."

Emperor: "Then you die!" and nukes Luke with hand lightning

Vader steps in, (here is the change) and the emperor turns his focus on Vader and nukes him.

The wounded Luke watches helplessly as his father dies.

The emperor laughs maniacally, standing triumphant over both Skywalkers.

Pan to Luke who's breathing slows, and a sense of calm comes over him. He floats (not rises) but actually floats to his feet as he summons his lightsaber to his hand. (Unbeknownst to the Emperor, by the stress of watching his father die, Luke has now fully become one with the Force.)

The Emperor laughs and sends a bolt towards Luke, who deflects it away by a wave of his hand.

The emperor tries again with no avail, Luke reaches up and grabs the Emperor in the trade mark Skywalker mind-choke-hold.

The emperor breaks free and scrambles for his light saber. A saber fight ensues as Luke counters the Emperor's every attack with ease, almost toying with him.

Luke smashes the Emperor's saber with the Force and lifts him in the air. The sounds of breaking bones is heard as the Emperor's body becomes twisted.

Luke has some would be famous line, like "Hello, my name is Luke Skywalker, You killed my father prepare to die" (Princess Bride) "You must suffer for the pain you have caused," "Your reign of terror is at an end!" "I am the last of Jedi!" Or something which would have been quoted for ages as the ultimate killing line, simply because it was in this movie.

Now the broken emperor can be tossed down a shaft (If Lucas needed it so badly.)

I know this would have added a few minutes to the film, (They could edit out some dumb Ewok scenes.)

They could even add that Luke destroys the Death Star with his mind or guides Wedges Antilles in his x-wing, with Lando Calrissian in the Millennium Falcon to the core of said battle station.

If you Luke at the poster for Star Wars (Episode IV) you see Luke standing with light saber held high, but this never happens. He needed a moment were it all linked together, he still seemed wimpy at the end, and only luck saved him form the Emperor.

I would have loved to see some dominance over the Emperor, I mean he had earned it. I know this is all a pipe dream, but still a classy idea.

But this is just my opinion.